Becky and Autumn sit down with Amy P. to share her story. A wife, mother, and grandmother, Amy shares she had a close connection to God growing up. She feels blessed to be able to love others and feels this gift has helped her through the hardships she has experienced. Amy shares that for over twenty years of their marriage, Amy and her husband were engaged in a dance of attempting recovery and healing, but not getting very far. Amy shares how three years ago, she finally had the courage to tell her husband that she was surrendering him to God, and that this work was something that only he and God could do. When she put her husband’s recovery back into his hands, she was able to heal, as well. With her husband’s recent faith journey, as well as criticism after their son came out, Amy shares that her trauma intensified again. However, she has found peace in her heart as she has felt asked by God to “accept change.”