Do you really like where you are right now? Are you happy with it or are you just holding on to it because you think it’s the best that you can get? Are you ready to let go in exchange for a better and happier you?
Letting go may be hard, but it is essential for us to leave some things behind in exchange for a happier you and a better future.
Jill Sherer Murray is a TEDx speaker and influencer, author, blogger, coach, and founder of Let Go For It, a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping individuals let go for a better life and businesses let go for better communications. She's also an award-winning journalist and communications leader. She can trace practically every success she's had in her career, love life, and more, to letting go.
In this episode, Jill talks about the power of letting go and how it can change your life and help you become happier and better. She shares how to know if it is already time to let go.
What you will learn from this episode:
Discover the power of letting go and its benefits Learn how to conquer the fear of letting go and trusting the process of it Know more about why you need to let go and when is the right time to let go
“Without the 'big wild love' which allows us to believe that the things we want are possible, and that we deserve them. We'll never take those risks. Because we won't see the 'net'. We won't know that we are the 'net'.”
- Jill Sherer Murray
Valuable Free Resource:
Jill’s Six-Step Process for Letting Go. Visit:
Topics Covered:
02:11 - Challenge is letting go of what is making them stuck, particularly what’s standing between the things they want and where they don’t want to be. One of the symptoms are not having any idea on what they want and being holistically happy
05:01 - Holding on to what they don’t want because they think it’s the best that they can get: one of the common mistakes business leaders make before deciding to let go
08:25 - One free and actionable tip you can do to address the challenge of letting go and being stuck: think about a place where you’re stuck, grab a notebook, and for 10 minutes, complete the sentence as many times as you can
09:50 - One valuable resource to help you let go and understand where you are right now: Jill’s Six-Step Process for Letting Go. Visit:
11:19 - Q: How do I know when it's time to let go, and how can I be sure that it's time to let go? A: If the gap between what they say they want and what they currently have is far apart, then it's time to examine what they believe about themselves, the kind of choices that they're making, and what they need to do to get from point A to point B.
Key Takeaways:
We, as women, are meant to nurture, take care and be emotional and think holistically. We're not taught to go out and take risks, like the men who are hunters and gatherers, and they're going out into the wild. It's all about taking a chance to get that- to hunt and gather. So we're just wired differently, and safety is really big, and it can really be in our way.” - Jill Sherer Murray
“I would say think about a place where you're stuck and grab a notebook and then set a timer for 10 minutes and complete the sentence as many times as you can. When it comes to blank, "I believe I 'blank'" and I tell people, you know, you can do this once for 10 minutes, you can do it every day for a week, but the 10 minutes is all about, turn on the timer, keep your hands moving, don't stop to think because the goal is not to censor yourself. You're looking to get way down, I wish I could make you see me, to get into the subconscious parts of yourself that you're not accessing or that you don't even realize is happening, and to understand what it is you actually believe is possible for you.” - Jill Sherer Murray
“As much as people don't know what they want, I also think they don't know what they believe or take the time to look at their beliefs.” - Jill Sherer Murray
“I'm in human resources, even though I really want to be a dancer but I know this is a safer option. It really comes down to safety. It's all about safety. They're prioritizing safety, overtaking a chance, and pushing forward to take a chance on themselves, to see that big- so they can get what they really want, but if they don't name what they want, they can't know what that is, and that's where there's a lot of safety, too.” - Jill Sherer Murray
Ways to Connect with Jill Sherer Murray:
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Ways to Connect with Sarah E. Brown
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