The 13 Steps to Successful Online Training Sales (Online Trainer Show #48)
Here’s some insider knowledge: You don’t have to know your episode topic before you hit record! Crazy, right? Speaking of a successful podcast, the OTS peeps use this episode to break down the many steps of a successful sales call. There are 13 in total, but the main points are as follows: Persuasion is not what you think, listen more than you speak, and sell the future, not your product.
In This Episode:
Do THIS before you try to make any sale [15:41] Persuasion 101: Not what you think [19:13] The client needs to answer these three questions [20:09] The questions that help the client envision the future them [25:41] Summarize and shift the conversation to sales [27:32] One more clarification question before the pitch [30:25] The Pitch, broken down into three parts [31:34] How to discuss the “investment”—how much is the “new you” worth? [34:41]
“Ask more clarifying questions - your job is not to speak, your job is to help them go deeper”
- Jonathan Goodman
Persuasion 101: Don’t
The first rule of persuasion is that you don’t try to persuade anyone of anything. Yep. Instead, in the context of selling fitness training, persuasion is elaborating on what your potential client is already saying and then showing them that you’re already the best fit to help them achieve their goals. You are not changing the way your client thinks—you are showing them that you think the same way.
The Pitch
The most nerve-wracking part, we know. Ultimately, remember that you are not selling your coaching or nutrition program. You are selling the client’s future version of themselves to them, which changes the value of your program from “whatever I can afford” to “priceless”.
Through Hell and Heaven
A successful sales call will be an emotional one. To understand your client, you need to help them articulate exactly WHY they need a fitness program, and that likely comes from a dark place. Bullying, medical problems, poor self-image, etc. Once you understand your client better by navigating those tumultuous waters, you can lift them up by painting the image of their future self. Your client is ready to see what their Heaven is like, and you know how to get them there.
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