I’m going to start a series over the next 5 weeks for those of you wanting to start your own business or maybe you’ve recently started and you’re looking to create a stronger foundation in your chiropractic business. I am going to be covering the 5 things you must know before starting a practice, but I will also give tips to those of you already in practice or those of you practicing as Associates that may be preparing to go out on your own. These 5 things that I’ll be covering are fundamental elements to any business, so stay tuned and follow along as we build your knowledge and continue to build on the successful vision you have for your future self.
If you haven’t already listened to episode #154 about having a vision for your future, then you might want to start there. Regardless of where you’re at in life, having a clear vision is an extremely powerful tool you need in order to achieve the results you want out of life. Without a vision, you will not be able to bring these 5 elements together to build your strong foundation. If you’d like to get ahead of the game, you can go to our website lifestylepracticebuilders.com and download the 5 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Practice E-book that I’ve put together as a guide for the next 5 weeks. You can also visit lifestylepracticebuilders.com/ebook, enter your info and we’ll email the ebook to you. I will go into greater depth about each thing on the podcast, but downloading the book will get you started. Print it out and take notes!
Taking the leap from student or Chiropractic Associate to small business owner is HUGE! There’s so much to know and it gets overwhelming thinking about all the steps involved, in order to create a business, find a location, and get open. So many unknowns, so many steps to truly fulfilling your dreams of owning and operating your own clinic. That’s why we created this podcast series for you. We were once in your shoes and we know what it’s like to feel lost in a sea full of information. We want to help by clarifying some of the key concepts you’ll need to understand before making that transition. The more you know, the better off you’ll be in practice. Fully understanding these elements and how they affect you and your future practice will lead to your future success! So let’s add some success tools to your toolbox!
Want help with this process? Want like minded friends pursuing extraordinary goals? Join us in our facebook group. Follow us on Instagram @lifestylepractice. We have helped hundreds of students and chiropractors find start and build their own practices. We’d love to help you, wherever you’re at, to create and fulfill your own vision.
We're creating the resources we wish we had when we first started! Hang out with us, download the resources, and make a plan! We can't wait to get to know you and help you make some of those tough decisions. Your success is our goal!
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