What ways can you make space for better things to come into your life? What are you carrying around that no longer lifts you up? Have you fully let go of your old dreams to make space for that new vision? Chances are, you have more to release than you realize—both physically and emotionally. Join me as I share some simple ways to hold and create space for your EPIC Adventure as you honor your Heart Value!
In this podcast episode, I share:
A mindset of releasing things to give them new life with someone else The power of releasing to create physical and emotional freedom in your Value Vault Creating space in your environment: What items can be donated to others? Is there a charity or a family that might benefit from your barely used items? What are the benefits to you and others as you begin to let go? What are you creating space for, and how do you plan to get there, and by when? Can you think about what you release not just as a stuff, but as physical and emotional baggage? Creating space in your identity: Observing what physical things you own that may no longer serve you Recognizing the emotional benefits of purging items that are taking up mental and physical space Releasing attachment to “Made Up Rules” created by society Following and appreciating your Heart Value The value of recalibrating your True Compass and knowing what’s meaningful to you Designing your EPIC Adventure for 2021and embracing the energetic shift
Memorable Quotes:
“Sometimes this idea of letting go—it’s scary—because we’ve been carrying things around for so long, that we almost forgot that we have the freedom to choose again.” “There’s a ton of power in knowing what doesn’t deserve our time, attention, and space anymore.” “For what it’s worth, I used to care a lot about what people thought about me, but I don’t care anymore. I’m the expert on me.”
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