In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie are here to review the uber-British animated comedy Arthur Christmas. The animated romp follows a Claus family trying to navigate the changing of the guard from the old Santa to the new Santa with an ensemble cast featuring some serious heavyweights. Does this list of A class character actors pull it's weight? Is the movie everything it's cracked up to be? Have a listen and find out what we think anyway. Beverages For Round The Fireplace Nicky P is yet again enjoying a wintery version of an iced favorite with a Salted Caramel White Russian with a recipe borrowed from featuring: Salted Caramel Kaluha, Salted Caramel Vodka, Half & Half & Caramel sauce to garnish. Lizzie on the other hand has opted to drink like my grandmother with a simple yet aromatic Bourbon Cocktail from featuring: bourbon, honey, sage and orange for garnish. Christmas Sweater Fever In an unprecedented move both Nicky P and Lizzie have shown up in virtually the same festive garb, wearing gift wrapped boxes over their respective genitalia in homage to the classic Justin Timberlake/Andy Samberg bit. I suppose its a when the kids away the adults get freaky situation? Links For Arthur Christmas Visit the Wikipedia:
Check out the IMDB: