Today on the Encounters USA Blog - Space Force Guardians or are they really Space Bacon?
On December 18, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence announced the name of the new U.S. Military’s Space Force is now officially – the Guardians.
Of course, the announcement led to more questions than answers and for those of you following the 100 + year cover up of the UFO and extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth question, the announcement led to even more questions than answers. In this short blog, I will try to provide at least some answers to the more obvious questions.
Is has the DOD found new funding in Marvel Comics and this either a joke or a Hollywood publicity stunt to promote a new Guardians of the Galaxy movie? (Assuming the answer to number 1 in no) Guardians against whom or what? Why now? What is the mission of the Space Force? Who will be a part of the Space Force? Is there an imminent threat to the US or mankind from space? What have Werner Von Braun and other NASA scientists warned about? What will our alien friends have to say about all of this? Will our Space Force members finds themselves as Space Bacon for a species of space reptilians? Has the world taken another step in the Dance of the Eternally Retarded conducted by our pay-for-play politicians?