Welcome to the final episode in this 6-part series on decluttering! If you’ve been following along, then you definitely NEED this show. Today, we’re taking those great items you put aside from your closet cleanout and reselling them! Chalene’s guest is Leslie Tucker, an expert in the world of online reselling platforms. Leslie went from working a full time job — and reselling as a hobby — to retiring from her job and running a full time reselling business. You’ll get step-by-step tips on how to start, what to sell, what platforms to use and so much more. Seriously, you won’t believe all the information packed in this one episode! When you learn that you don’t need money to start making money, it could be the catalyst to change your life (and your family’s life)!
Join me in the Decluttering Project and get your life organized as well by using The Push Journal www.pushjournal.com
Links from today’s episode:
Subscribe to Leslie’s Podcast at A Reseller’s PassionReselling Platforms:
PoshmarkLuxury Reselling Platforms:
The Real Real
Stop dieting & start living:
Join Phase it Up and start creating healthier habits, it isn’t like other diets or programs! PhaseItUp.com
Get the 131 Book!!!
Here’s The System I Use Every Day to be More Organized & Crazy Productive: www.pushjournal.com
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XOXO Chalene