Think of ways that we become motivated. Things that you can do or add into your life to keep you excited about each day. We know that with motivation for the day, that is when we are able to accomplish our largest needle movers that advance us towards our goals. Without motivation there is no forward movement, in fact you will likely be moving backwards. Not only does your motivation keep you inspired it presents you as that role-model that we all hope to be to others. Motivation is contagious. Think about a time when you were introduced to an idea that sounded like amazing fun…maybe it was a vacation to somewhere warm, exotic and with little umbrellas in their drinks. But…in order to get there the team had to hit a particular goal. This is an example of reward-based motivation. You got excited because someone else presented something that was super appealing to you and therefore you were in turn motivated to reach the goal…and receive the prize.