Joe dedicates the first half of this week's show to his 102-year-old grandmother [who passed away this week]. He shares the Top 3 "life lessons" he learned from her, as well as 2 "health tips" she shared with him on her 100th birthday. After Joe's tribute to his grandmother, he answers 3 listener questions. Topics include: 1) What exercises does Joe recommend when a client can't even perform a BODYWEIGHT squat? 2) How/Why do newbie's increase their STRENGTH before seeing any visible changes in SIZE? 3) If "flexing the spine under load" is dangerous, why do so many coaches teach a 'posterior pelvic tilt' when performing hip thrusts?
*For Show Notes & Timestamps from this episode goto: *To become CPPS-certified [from home] goto: *To purchase DeFranco's Nutritional Supplements goto: