Julia Maki Pyrah and Nico Cotroneo - Guardians & Civil Unrest DC - Julia Maki Pyrah is back with another book. Julia serves in the DC Air National Guard. In June of 2020, Julia deployed to protect the George Floyd protestors and limit the damage done by the rioters. The response to the Guard's presence was problematic. Notable folks like Sen Amy Klobuchar and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were openly disdainful and combative. Similarly, the news was also negative, or dismissive of the task at hand.
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Conversely, when Julia deployed as part of a division-sized, 28000 service members, element in DC-a truly outsized response, the media and Mayor Bowser were lauding the guard. So, what changed? This story and what it's like for folks like Julia to deploy within the US is covered in Guardians.
Today's intro is provided by Chris Schafer who is the CEO of publishing company Tactical 16. Chris and Pete go back a few years now...and we love supporting their support for authors like Julia and Nick.
Check out the LIVE! version of the episode here - youtu.be/8-exaERXp4g