In this episode Jennifer has a career coaching session with Mack. Mack has had a lot of challenges and obstacles throughout her life but Mack is determine not to allow it to deter her from her goal of becoming a senior software engineer. Mack is looking for guidance on how to develop a career path. Jennifer coaches Mack through the external and internal journey of developing a career path.
Episode Highlights:
[07:39] Working your career path backwardsOffer Magnet Job Seeker -
Career Coaching Session Sign Up -
Show Notes:
#impostersyndrome, #overcomeimpostersyndrome, #career, #training, #personaldevelopment, #selfconfidence, #personalgrowth, #technology, #careeradvice, #howtodealwithimpostersyndrome, #womenintech, #buildingselfconfidence, #motivation, #careerpath, #careerpaths, #develop, #careercoach, #butwhataboutme