There are 7 Immortal Soul Lines that carry your cosmic DNA. This "soul lineage" aligns with one or more of the 7 chakras. As we dive deeper into the soul lines, we can discover our natural tendencies, claim our magick, and strengthen our spiritual powers.
The 7 Soul Lines were introduced in the previous episode of the podcast. In this episode, I'll share more detailed information about the root chakra, aligned with the Immortal Vampire, the sacral chakra which houses the energy of the Eternal Artisan, and the solar plexus, the seat of the Honored Healer.
Discovering your dominant soul line marks the first steps of creating a magickal persona. Over the course of the podcast, we'll discuss this process in great detail. By examining and understanding your unique spiritual gifts and magical talents, you'll be able to make better use of those qualities.
Time Stamps:
Honored Healer: 7;45
Eternal Artisan: 17;12
Immortal Vampire: 27;33
More information about the Soul Lines is available on our site:
If you visit the home page and scroll down to the bottom, you'll find a button that will take you to the Soul Lines page. From there, you can examine each one in more detail and also download PDF files about each soul line as well.