Heartache and pain from past or present misinformation or mistreatment may be stuck in your heart.
Wendy talks about how to reconnect and slowly let the old barriers of protection melt, with the installation of appropriate nurturing boundaries, to allow for self-healing of old hurts to be processed.
Self-nurturing and self-protection are not taught in schools and many women with endometriosis have over given their generous spirits to the point of depletion and old hurts remained stuck.
Wendy shares how to start the gentle journey of connection and release of the old pain, trauma and pain by simple but effective daily and nightly tools - to reconnect you back to your heart and heart's desires.
More is discussed in the Updated & Revised 2nd Edition of Wendy's book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery" due to be released on Friday 12th March 2021 on Amazon.