Dr. George Kessler is a Certified Tree Farmer and a Registered Forester. Dr. George is a recognized treasure in South Carolina for his extensive work in the tree farm community. He has dedicated his most of his career to extension forestry and has created millions of acres of healthy forests. Find out about Dr. George and his journey into forestry, his impact on the South Carolina community, and so much more!
Key Takeaways:
[4:10] A little bit about Dr. George and his family.
[8:25] Dr. George knew he wanted to be a forester in highschool.
[11:35] How did Dr. George get started in forestry?
[13:00] What is Dr. George most proud of in his career so far?
[18:20] Land owners were eager to take any sort of forestry education they could get their hands on.
[21:45] Dr. George shares how he got children involved and excited about learning more about the environment. It was a slow start at first.
[26:50] Dr. George is involved in a Christmas tree farm. He explains what that means.
[30:00] How did the tree farm program get started in South Carolina?
[33:30] Dr. George has created a beautiful community of tree farmers in South Carolina.
[35:45] How did Dr. George and his committee finance the South Carolina Tree Farm Program?
[37:00] Dr. George and his team are proud to announce that they have about 600,000 acres of actively managed tree farms in the program!
[39:00] What does Dr. George see for the future when it comes to the South Carolina Tree Farm Program?
[42:00] We hear a fun story about Dr. George and how he approaches tree farming. He can be stubborn as a mule!
[44:40] What legacy would Dr. George like to leave behind?
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