Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Chief Meteorologist at ABC 11 in Raleigh, North Carolina. He's been in broadcast meteorology since 1991. He was named Chief Meteorologist in in 2007. Chris Hohmann, welcome to WeatherBrains! Our second Guest WeatherBrain is the Emergency Coordinator for central Carolina amateur radio Skywarn. She's been volunteering with the NWS since 2005. She's also a SKYWARN class instructor. Virginia Enzor, welcome! Our third guest WeatherBrain is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the NWS in Raleigh. He's been with the NWS since 1999. He's worked at the NWS offices in Newport, Morehead City, Tampa, Flagstaff and Raleigh, where he's been since 2012. Nick Petro, welcome to WeatherBrains!