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This episode's special guest is Midwife Rebecca Graham, founder of the Grace Birthing Centre in Westville, Durban. We chat about entrepreneuring as a midwife and why moms are choosing a midwife-led birth centre to bring their babies into this world.
Grace Birthing Centre provides individualised prenatal, birth and postnatal care to mothers who have low-risk pregnancies. Their mission is to ensure that moms and their growing families receive nurturing guidance, educational tools, and hands-on assistance through each stage of the antenatal, birth and postnatal process.
Before opening Grace Birthing Centre, Rebecca worked in the private and public sector with moms and babies for over 12 years. Rebecca is not only an incredible midwife – she also has five beautiful kids (a daughter and four sons). She birthed her firstborn by C-section, and had natural birth with the others, including her twins!
Grace Birthing Centre brings together Rebecca’s personal and professional experience. It is a place where midwives and moms can be empowered by an environment that is conducive to birth. It is also, for Rebecca, a testament to the power of a big dream, and how faith and dedication can culminate in something great.
Find out more about the centre: Grace Birthing Centre - https://www.gracebirthing.co.za
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