Have you been having a hard time leading because of the issues you have with confidence? Are you one of those people who have been assigned non-promotable tasks just because you’re a woman? Do you want to empower yourself and live life on your own terms? If you do, then you’re up for a wonderful gift today.
Leadership has been one of the heaviest gender-related issues. Men are said to receive more opportunities than women, and this results in women having issues with confidence. However, you can only be successful if you’ll be brave enough to jump. Learn what you can do through this episode today.
Stephanie Slocum is the founder of Engineers Rising LLC and the author of Amazon’s bestseller “She Engineers”. She is the creator of the Fearless Program as well as the Build Her Program – both designed exclusively for women to start their business and be involved in leadership development. She works to normalize engineering, technology and STEM women in leadership by helping them become influential leaders without changing who they are. Through her online program, she provides practical training, inspiration, and mentorship for women to have the careers and lives they’ve always dreamed of.
Stephanie first worked in engineering consulting for 15 years. She holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Architectural Engineering, and is also a winner of The 2020 Connected World’s Women of Technology Award for her work regarding women empowerment. She spoke and inspired national audiences through her volunteer work with organizations.
In this episode, Stephanie talks about the importance of knowing how to deal with confidence challenges at work in order for you to live life on your terms. She shares insights on developing professional role confidence and empowering yourself.
What you will learn from this episode:
· Know what professional role confidence is, how it affects you and the way you lead;
· Discover ways you can deal with issues regarding professional role confidence; and
· Find out how to address other confidence challenges at work.
“You are made for amazing things, but to succeed, you’ve got to be the woman that's willing to go for what she wants.” – Stephanie Slocum
Valuable Free Resource:
Visit Stephanie’s website at https://www.engineersrising.com/
Topics Covered:
03:00 – Professional Role Confidence and its symptoms: The biggest challenge female leaders face in business today.
06:49 – Two of the biggest mistake people make: (1) Not acknowledging the need of an extra set of tools to be successful; and
09:59 – Solving for the wrong problem and its examples.
12:36 – What you can do when you're struggling with the issue of professional rule confidence: (1) Create a little bit of space for yourself;
16:19 – Before jumping into your to-do list, look at the list and ask yourself, “who can help me do this faster?”
16:40 – Valuable Free Resource: Free book, She Engineers: https://www.sheengineersbook.com/free
17:27 – What women need to understand about confidence challenges at work?
Key Takeaways:
“If you're listening to this and you're like, “Well, I'm not sure confidence is really the root of my problems”, ask yourself this question. Would you show up at work differently if you were 100% confident in yourself? Think back to the last day. Would you have shown up differently in any of those interactions you had with people? If the answer is yes, it's very likely that professional role confidence has something to do with your current challenges.” – Stephanie Slocum
“As a technical person, I spend a lot of time in my day solving problems, but often what I find is we're solving for something that puts a bandaid on the problem as opposed to actually solving the root cause.” – Stephanie Slocum
“We are thinking that we have a productivity or time management problem, when what we actually have is a priority or boundary problem. What are we solving for? That is always the core question.” – Stephanie Slocum
“If you are already in that space where you are struggling with overwhelm and burnout, you have to create a little bit of space for yourself. Getting more done is not going to solve the
problem. There is always going to be more work than you can do, but even if it's just walking out 15 minutes a day, it makes a huge difference.” – Stephanie Slocum
“We are often fed from social media in our work cultures that if we just work harder, we can outwork any problem. Your career is not meant to be a solo activity.” – Stephanie Slocum
Ways to Connect with Stephanie Slocum:
· Website: www.engineersrising.com
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/engineersrising/
· LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanieslocumpe/
· Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephtheengineer/
· Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephslocum
Ways to Connect with Sarah E. Brown:
• Website: https://www.sarahebrown.com
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/knowguides
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahebrownphd