Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing C.L. Clark.
Cherae graduated from Indiana University’s creative writing MFA and was a 2012 Lambda Literary Fellow. In addition to writing, she has had various jobs as she’s traveled the world, including: personal trainer, English teacher, editor, or some combination thereof.
When she’s not writing or working, she’s learning languages, doing P90something, or reading about war and post-colonial history. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in FIYAH, PodCastle, Uncanny, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies and she is now one of the co-editors at PodCastle and editor of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) Blog.
In this episode C.L. and I discuss: How to identify which character is the protagonist and whether there can be two. The relationship between magic, religion, and technology and how she uses it. Different ways to handle conflict and the approach she takes in her writing.
Plus, her #1 tip for writers.
For more info and show notes: