We have all heard that necessity is the mother of invention. If there's any good that has come from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that it has forced many of us to re-evaluate our lives, take stock of where things stand, and ask some tough questions: Are we living the lives we should be? Are we prioritizing what we value most? If this world we live in really is this fragile, are we taking the opportunity we have to make a difference? It's forced the reinvention of ourselves.
For my guest today, it wasn't a pandemic that drove a reawakening, but the sudden end of his marriage that forced a major reset in his life. Michael Tranmer is a professional engineer, author, and TedX speaker who has chronicled his journey from rock bottom to true happiness in his book Satori Ananda: Awaken to Happiness. We discuss his story, self-discovery, and how to drive change in your own life.
See the full show notes at https://www.engineeringandleadership.com/episode25
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