This week’s badass guest is Jason Phillips.
Jason is an impactful entrepreneur who has established immense reverence + authority in the health + fitness industry through his incredible knowledge in nutrition, fitness, as well as his experience in creating + up-leveling, health/fitness businesses into multi-million businesses.
Jason is the Founder + CEO of the Nutritional Coaching Institute, an institute that certifies health coaches + arms them with invaluable tools that help them to become leaders in the field + turn their business models into a 6-7 figure business.
Jason is largely contributing as one of the most profound thought leaders in the industry.
From coaching world-class athletes to contributing his high-level expertise to monster brands like GOOGLE to writing for major publications like Men’s Fitness & Entrepreneur Weekly, and writing his own books; he continues to lead from his heartbeat philosophy that is: “Impact over everything.”
In this inspiring conversation, Jason & I take you through:
Stress and its impact on your health + fitness goals that you may be unaware of.
Essential recovery to accelerate the progress that most people don’t recognize
Jason’s Self-Mastery formula that helps you create your ultimate business success
Cultivating a “why not me?” mindset to conquer fear + achieve your ultimate potential in life.
This episode is so empowering + exudes what I call “the heart of an underdog + the mindset of a champion.” Jason’s journey is truly just that. He is living a LEGENDARY path. I'm proud to share his genius + amazing energy in this talk with you.
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