Do you ever find yourself wishing there was a way you could reduce anxiety, depression or fatigue, but life happens... which gets in the way of your self care time, adding more pressure, only increasing the need to focus on improving your emotional and functional well being? In this episode of TGND, guest Ellie Peterson discusses her Meditative Movements technique, so you can start to feel your inner power being ignited throughout your day, no matter how busy.
Show Notes:
[00:07:20] The significant shifts that can cause change
[00:16:59] Talking through the ‘I can’ meditative movement
[00:25:04] What tangible evidence can tell you that mediation is working
[00:34:12] The best time to use meditative strategies
[00:40:03] This is a simple ‘let go’ meditation
[00:50:11] Is learning or following a meditation better in person or online
[00:51:13] How you can apply meditative movements across work environments
[00:54:19] How mediation can change your relationships