This three-part miniseries centers around Deep Listening®, the lifework of composer, musician, writer and humanitarian Pauline Oliveros. Aspects of this creative and meditative practice are shared from the perspectives of Sharon Stewart, Tina Pearson and Lisa E. Harris, Deep Listening certificate-holders.
In the first mini-episode Sharon Stewart offers facets of her connection to Deep Listening along with some of the history of the practice, as related to the sonic environment – or the sonosphere – with pertinent excerpts from Oliveros’ text scores. Together with Sharon Stewart you can perform a seminal Sonic Meditation, number VIII: Environmental Dialogue.
“Listening to Deep Listening: Reflection on the 1988 Recording and the Lifework of Pauline Oliveros”, by Sharon Stewart, Journal of Sonic Studies, 2012
Excerpt from an essay from 2007 – entitled My “American Music”: Soundscape, Politics, Technology, Community. This essay can be found in the book Sounding the Margins by Pauline Oliveros.
Excerpts from a 2006 article “Improvisation in the Sonosphere” for Contemporary Music Review. This essay can be found in the book Sounding the Margins by Pauline Oliveros.
“Deep Listening: A Composer’s Sound Practice”.
The introduction details a short conceptual story of the practice, followed by various exercises for personal and group practice and process training, a number of Deep Listening Scores and questions and concluding with an Appendix of essays written by participants.
∞ = 0 poem by Pauline Oliveros, printed in The Roots of the Moment (1998: 27).
“Pauline Oliveros” at Red Bull Music Academy, Hosted by Hanna Bächer
Pauline Oliveros, Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice, 2005. New York: iUniverse, Inc.
Deep Listening Album 1989 with Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster and Panaiotis
TEDx Talk 2015 The difference between hearing and listening | Pauline Oliveros | TEDxIndianapolis
The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer (RPI)
Deep Listening® Retreats
Anthology of Text Scores by Pauline Oliveros (2013) Deep Listening Publications
“VII: Environmental Dialogue” from Sonic Meditations by Pauline Oliveros (1971) Smith Publications
Excerpts from "Healing Dream Mandala: Beehive version," by IONE and "Slow Walk, Slow Song" by Pauline Oliveros, led by Jennifer Wilsey, at the Ratna Ling Deep Listening® Retreat in 2018. Both recordings were made and edited by Sharon Stewart.
Sounding Places - Listening Places was commissioned by ArtEZ Studium Generale. Interviews, texts and voice overs by Sharon Stewart and Joep Christenhusz. It is produced by Ondercast for Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale curator for this series: Catelijne de Muijnck