Host Brad Kearns welcomes Jake Steiner to discuss the amazing world of correcting your eyesight gradually and naturally over time.
Jake is the founder of, which offers extensive scientifically validated education on how myopia is not a genetic condition, but rather a problem driven by excessive use of close up screens causing spasms in the ciliary muscle in the eye that affects your ability to focus well on distant objects. Jake describes how wearing glasses is a "subscription, not a prescription" and a sure path to progressively declining vision over time. However poor your eyesight is right now, you can take some simple steps to introduce what Jake calls, "a little bit of blur" into your life and use glasses on an as-needed basis rather than a habitual crutch. Challenging your eyes in a gentle manner will retrain your eye muscles more effectively and allow you to make steady progress toward lenses of less and less correction over time. Jake was at minus 5 diopters and no longer needs glasses, will explain how you can improve at the gradual rate of 1 diopter per year. Check out Jake's app called Meow-Sure that allows you to quantify progress over time.