Have you ever had to wrestle with God? Maybe you are walking through a difficult circumstance and you are asking God the tough questions: Why God? Why is this happening to me?
I am so excited for you to hear Bethany Kimsey’s special mom story. She had to wrestle with God in her late teens when she got a doctor’s diagnosis that she was not going to be able to have kids. I love what Bethany shares on the podcast about what God taught her in the middle of that wrestling. Honestly, it is one of my favorite parts of this episode. Now, I don’t want to give anything away but I just love that nothing is impossible with God, even if the doctors tell you otherwise. I promise you do not want to miss this miraculous story!
Bethany also offers amazing wisdom for moms. One of my favorite quotes she recently shared on Instagram is “We cannot parent perfectly. But we can parent surrendered to the One who does parent perfectly.” As a recovering perfectionist, this truth was so freeing. I know you are going to love the wisdom that Bethany shares!
Bethany Kimsey is a Hope Writer just like me! I am excited to share that Hope Writers is opening their doors for membership this week. If God has placed a message on your heart and you have a desire to write, I highly recommend joining the Hope Writers community. They have incredible teachings and wonderful support! Click on this Hope Writers Link if you are interested.
Book Recommendations:
*Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortland *Parenting is Heart Work by Scott Turansky
As a mother to 8 children, Bethany Kimsey has seen God radically change her messy motherhood from weary, anxious, and frantic to peaceful, joyful, and triumphant. She helps weary mothers win the battle against worry and fatigue as they understand their identity in Christ and rest in the hope of the Gospel in community with other moms. As a writer, speaker, and encourager of mothers, she wants to see a generation of Grace-Filled Warriors stand together and walk triumphantly behind the One who sets them free from performance, doubt, and fear.
Bethany has learned the freedom of applying gospel truths to the daily details with children. Over on her podcast, "When God Breaks Through," we learn together how to take spiritual truths into the micro and macro moments of motherhood. How do we make this fuzzy intersection of real life mothering and the gospel clearly defined for vision and confidence? Connection happens when we meet together in the real spaces-- the kitchen tables of life-- sharing stories of hope, truth, and grace.
She would love to connect to encourage you! She has a free download "How do we have gospel conversations with our children at different ages and stages?" you can grab at this link: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/607a40fa6b2fd805959a2464
You can also find her writings and teachings over at her website bethanykimsey.com or on her podcast “When God Breaks Through.” You can also connect on Instagram or Facebook as well.
Podcast Link: https://whengodbreaksthrough.libsyn.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethanykimsey/
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!