This week’s guest is the remarkable former Navy SEAL Commander + one of my favorite authors, Rich Diviney.
With 20+ years of experience as a SEAL’s Officer and current Senior Facilitator at Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute, Rich has an expansive array of knowledge when it comes to the attributes that accelerate optimal performance in life.
His incredible book, The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance, dives into the arena of what contributes to optimal performance, and how to recognize + develop these driving attributes in your life.
In this episode we discuss:
Peak performance vs. optimal performance
How your Self-identity shapes your reality
The difference between an attribute and a skill
Attributes that create a great leader
Distinguishing mindset factors that lead to success during moments of uncertainty
Reframing the lens “what if” to be less fearful + open to more possibility
Using the power of emotions to your advantage
Identifying your own areas of strengths/ weaknesses to increase growth + performance
Rich’s work speaks straight to my heart + integrates powerfully into my driving mission in life— to help you optimize your life performance + to live from your fullest potential.
This EPIC conversation will guide you in exploring yourSELF with ultimate curiosity to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and leadership.
Definitely get your hands on Rich’s book NOW if you haven’t already. You can also find him on Instagram @rich_diviney.
Let us know how this episode impacted you via IG in the comments, DMs + story shares-- we LOVE connecting with you.
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Enjoy xx