Intersectionality is a popular concept, but what does it have to do with sex education? In this episode, Dr. G speaks with Bianca Laureano, a legend in the profession and a pioneer in using sex ed to advance social justice. The pair cover a wide range of topics, including colorism and the complexities of race in Latin American communities, centering and citing Black women, righteous conflict, practicing accountability, and all the ways we can do better around improving our craft. An all-around power-packed conversation for sexuality professionals everywhere.
Click here for the episode transcript.
Guest Bio: Bianca I Laureano is an award-wining educator, curriculum writer, facilitator, and sexologist. She is a Foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN), The LatiNegrxs Project, ANTE UP! Virtual Freedom Professional Development School for Justice Workers, and hosts She has written several curricula that focus on communities of color: What’s the REAL DEAL about Love and Solidarity? (2015) and Communication MixTape: Speak On It Vol 1. (2017) and wrote the sexual and reproductive justice discussion guide for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published in 2018. Bianca has been on the board of CLAGS, the LGBTQ Center at CUNY, The Black Girl Project, and SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective. She resides in Oakland, CA. She is the Lead Educator for the Netflix film Crip Camp (2020) and is leading the efforts to create a curriculum that is rooted in disability justice practice, self-determination, and social-emotional learning competences! She will receive an honorary PhD for her work of justice, equity, and inclusion in the US sexuality field May 2020.
More information about Bianca can be found at, or at