Hi friends! This episode is an Ask Me Anything! This episode features part 2, following part 1 which was out on Tuesday. Some of the questions in this episode:
-How much protein is recommended to have in a day I am 140 lbs?
-How many calories should one be eating and what is the macro breakdown?
-How do I lower my fasted morning glucose? It is always 90!! I'm high protein carnivore
-Evening salty cravings...usually eat nuts. Need substitute ideas
-What is the impact of a carnivore diet on the development of dementia?
-When counting calories, let's just say it is 1000 calories of protein, 70% after digestion, which would be 700 calories consumed. Are calorie trackers taking this into consideration?
-Are there any Mexican restaurants in Prague? Just wondering.
-What do you think about the carb cycling on keto? Thank you for all of your great videos!!
-How delicious is Maria's bread recipe?! I am so glad I found it too!!
-When are you going to release your reverse diet meal plan?
-You were vegan before?
-How do I best overcome emotional binge eating (sweets)?
-How did you start your journey into health?
-Sometimes after I lift weights I feel extreme fatigue. Do I need to eat more fat even though I eat until full?
-Do you recommend supplementing with iodine for thyroid health?
-Recommendations for 60+ year olds. My goals are losing fat, but gaining muscle and bone density
-Recommendations on what young women can do to reduce severe PMT (PMDD?)
-Are you planning a special post pregnancy meal plan?
...and more!
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Prior to beginning a ketogenic diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a ketogenic diet is suitable for you and to rule out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a ketogenic diet[, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A ketogenic diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet]. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.