Episode Overview
Many of our members and listeners have weight loss goals and desire to work towards those goals in a balanced, healthy, and sustainable way. But what happens when your partner is on a different path? Can it create a stronger bond or does it lead to friction and disconnection?
On today’s podcast we discuss both the positive and negative impacts that weight loss journeys can have in marriage and partnerships. We also share how we’ve handled our own weight loss journeys within our relationships. Join us!
And if you haven’t grabbed our free guide, Binge Eating: Why You Do It & How to Stop, be sure to do so right now! Download your copy today and start learning how to manage your binge eating behaviors.
Key Points
The difference between dieting and sustainable weight loss journeys The main ways we’ve seen weight loss impact our members’ relationships Jen and Annie’s experiences with weight loss and marriageMentions:
Episode 160: When You Feel Triggered By Your Partner's Diet Or Weight Loss Binge Eating: Why You Do It & How to Stop downloadRelated Content:
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