The second part of our interviews with Trevor Ewen focuses on the value of a technical MBA. We discuss the benefits of the degree, the program, and the network it can build. This discussion is a must for those that are considering taking that step.
A Little BackgroundTrevor is an experienced software engineer, project manager, and real estate investor. He has overseen full-stack teams in clean energy, insurance, finance, and media. Notable engagements include Morgan Stanley, HBO, Bloomberg, Honest Buildings (now Procore), RunEnergy, Black Bear Energy, and PRco USA. He has an MBA from London Business School and Columbia Business School via the joint, global program.
The Value Of A Technical MBAAn MBA is not always an obvious (or even desirable) path for someone with a technical background. Nevertheless, there is a lot worth considering when the opportunity arises. Our discussion touches on the paper value of an MBA as a resume tool. There is also a level of expectation it can bring to potential employers. First, however, we spend more time looking into the process itself and how it can provide an excellent learning experience.
An advanced degree program can put us in the company of like-minded individuals with varied backgrounds. That is a recipe for expanding horizons and creating a valuable network of friends and go-getters. However, if we are defined by the crowd we hang out with, how much better can we do for our careers?
A Hidden GemA key point to take away from this conversation is that building software can be done with more than just code. There are libraries and resources to help you reach a solution quickly and without starting from scratch.
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