Want to get more sales on Etsy? You may be underestimating the value of offering spectacular customer service. In my 6+ years of experience--- I’ve learned that great customer service is DIRECTLY connected with my sales.
**“How to Sell Your Stuff on Etsy” is not affiliated with or endorsed by Etsy.com.
FREE ETSY MASTERCLASS: How to Kick-Start Your Etsy Shop --> https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/masterclass
FREE PDF Download:
“4 Strategies I used to grow my Etsy shop from $25 to $6000+/month”
Customer Service Templates: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/offers/wUXKPzRG
HOW TO SELL YOUR STUFF WEBSITE: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/
HOW TO SELL YOUR STUFF INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/howtosellyourstuff/
HOW TO SELL YOUR STUFF SHOWNOTES: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/blog/podcast-episode-5-why-amazing-customer-service-is-massively-connected-to-your-success-as-an-etsy-seller
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