Take a fascinating journey to Guatemala with Greg Jensen, Founder and Director of Cultiva International, a humanitarian organization working to eradicate extreme poverty one relationship and one garden box at a time. Greg's story is not just about his work on an urgent and complex global issue but is also about rethinking how to solve and define problems and their root causes, how to inspire true empowerment so people can lift themselves up out of dependence, and the value of giving and receiving.
From a bold move to Guatemala with his family 10 years ago in a Honda Minivan to start a trail running tour business, Greg's focus shifted to exploring external and internal poverty. His organization works on the visible, tangible, and external lack of basic needs and resources, but also the internal shame, and interwoven dynamics of motivation, confidence, hope, worth, and purpose that can hold anyone back. He explores the difference between acute and chronic problems, the power of just starting something even if you think you're not really ready for the next thing, and the leadership lessons he's learned along the trail.