While the Haunted Mansion and the Tower of Terror offer up their unique assortment of ghoulish delights all throughout the year, Halloween brings out all of the ghosts and ghouls to ratchet up that spooky vibe. From the Mickey Mouse jack-o-lanterns on the Main Street lampposts to the foreboding fog that blankets the grounds of the Haunted Mansion, the Magic Kingdom is transformed into a Creepy Kingdom where the spirits of beyond can come out to play. But as they say, despite all of the spooky additions to be found in the parks at this time of year, there’s always room for one more. And in this episode, that’s just what we’re going to do. We’re going to put on our Imagineering cloaks and share our thoughts on even more Halloween haunting ideas that we would love to see at the parks. So join us…if you dare!