Today on the show, BPF Editor-in-Chief and Blurb Whisperer Abigail Dunard are back at it with another deep dive into the scintillating sea of book descriptions!
To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.
Here are this episode’s read-along selections:
The Dragon's Keeper by Tina Riffey
She escaped a cruel master. The dragon offered sanctuary. Will this save her or is she destined to be a sacrifice?
Riss'a been a slave since her Coming-of-Age celebration was crashed by the Denea invaders fifteen years ago when they attacked her village. She had been resigned to being one for the rest of her life until her cruel master crossed a line she didn't know she held. Her revived anger and outrage drive her to disrupt his plans and escape. The dragon Shrine offers sanctuary. But her master and his co-conspirator won't give up their plans so easily and the dragon is being mysteriously secretive. Is she leaping from a scorching fire or straight into it? Would becoming the dragon's servant save her or lead her to even more danger?
The Dragon's Keeper is a dragon fantasy about a woman who finds her destiny with the help of a dragon.
Buy this today and see what destiny brings the brave.