Anastasia Karimova, formerly a journalist in Russia but now a democracy activist in the US, explains why most Russians do not worry about climate change: they simply don’t trust any authorities anymore, after being “poisoned” with misinformation so long. We talk about the peat fires in Siberia and even a mountain burning inside in Canada. Then we turn to our various opinions about climate change, agreeing only on this: that the Glasgow COP26 meeting did not fulfill its responsibilities. Zachary Jacobson believes that nuclear power is going to be necessary. Both he and Art Hunter are extremely pessimistic about human survival, given the difficulties in mobilizing adequate responses. Metta challenges them all to choose among the various methods for removing carbon from the atmosphere and otherwise buying time for the necessary energy transformation. Hunter insists that the solutions have to involve austerity of living standards and a reduction in the size of the human population. Metta concludes by expressing disappointment that the group had spent time in fatalistic predictions of disasters and little in discussion potential alternatives. For the video, audio podcast, transcript, or comments: