I am rarely as excited as I am today to be presenting this episode. I recently went to an in-person Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat and learned so much. The challenge today will be if I can fit it all into one episode!
In this episode, I share with you the ten main takeaways from the event and the profound impact it has had on my life already. The experience was incredible and as we continue on our own unique journeys, you can start to implement these changes into your life and meditation practices as well. I am not exaggerating when I say that this experience was absolutely life-changing. Listen on and I advise you to take notes because you’re going to want to remember this one.
Show Notes:
[2:12] - Elyse shares announcements including an upcoming workshop.
[4:01] - Last week, Elyse was in Florida at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s retreat.
[5:04] - Joe’s work is all about the scientific and spiritual connection in how we create quantum leaps.
[6:11] - The body is an extension of the mind. You are working from the inside out to create change. Elyse experienced physical changes during the retreat.
[8:15] - Elyse was able to experience this because of her focus on getting out of the way and healing the person she was working with.
[9:31] - Elyse’s husband also experienced profound energy and love.
[10:59] - There’s so much more available to you than you realize.
[13:25] - The intensity of the experience was blissful and profound for Elyse.
[15:26] - This event pushed Elyse and she realized how much farther she could go than she ever imagined.
[16:50] - While there, meditation lasted several hours rather than the usual few minutes.
[17:51] - Think of yourself as wearing a virtual reality headset.
[19:08] - You can become addicted to a life you don’t even like. You have to be willing to lay down the character you play in the VR headset.
[21:04] - Who are you pretending not to be?
[22:03] - What character would you play if you could create anything you wanted?
[23:00] - Nobody chooses you. You choose you.
[25:52] - There are two different ways to create: matter on matter and energy on matter.
[27:49] - The closer you are to source when you create, the faster it happens.
[30:00] - Don’t expect any magic to happen in your life if you stand up as the same person you were when you sat down.
[33:01] - Elyse also learned the power of minding your emotions and being attuned to them.
[34:04] - People are only open to information equal to their own emotional state.
[36:07] - Elyse admits that used to stuff her emotions down.
[37:23] - The moment you think about your problems, you’re in the past.
[39:43] - When you feel yourself going back to dwelling on a past problem, you have to be able to shift quickly.
[41:20] - When you make these changes, your old self will fight you and try to keep you from moving forward.
[44:03] - Stay out of your own way by letting go of your grip.
[45:09] - Be conscious of your own language and when you are disempowering yourself.
[47:10] - Elyse reached a point before the conference that she was wondering what was next.
[48:42] - The divine in you will always match your efforts.
[51:25] - If you want to experience the divine, you have to be divine.
[52:46] - There is always more love to experience.
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