Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Chapter 17.
Our reader, Elizabeth Klett continues to rock Jane Eyre for us!
You can take a look at how good, old school
muslin fabric looks, take a gander at the
jane austen museum that had the cool dress, read up on the
corsair/pirate coolness or get some more dirt on
(I'd say "poor guy" but I don't think he was...)
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Wouldn't you love to listen to a fabulous reading of Stephen Greenblatt's The Swerve? Audible makes it happen. (And here you can read an anti-Swerve review.)
Knit Circus Little Acorn Creations February Incentive - comment on any February show notes--saying something about the book or spinning--to be put into the running, and I'll use a random number generator to pick the lucky winner.General Newsy Bits:
Please support this indiegogo project: Unexpected - A Documentary. This documentary will explore why death in childbirth rates in the USA have doubled in the past decade and what can be done.
Some Shakespeare fun: a youtube video, Horrible Histories - The Wives of Henry VIII (Terrible Tudors), and a Sonnet by Thing 2. Need more Shakespeare? Visit ChopBard the cure for boring Shakespeare.
If you want to subscribe to support the show, you can read all about the new interface here and discover the simplicity of listening to CraftLit on-the-go on your iPhone/iTouch/Android for free. Can't get enough Canterbury? This video should hold you until the next premium episode.
Please feel free to join our Knit-a-Long for Jane's Ubiquitous Shawl(I'm still plugging along, please feel free to join now!).
What (else) Would Madame Defarge Knit?—this time in color!—is available for pre-order!
book talk starts at 11:40 min, click to listen.