As you may know Redscroll also releases music from time to time by bands / projects we enjoy from the surrounding area. (If you're not familiar here's our Discogs page for the label and its releases.) We wanted to keep that up this year and in the current climate of long wait times for vinyl pressing we had the idea to do a cassette project. SURPRISE! We've got 9 (NINE!) cassette tape releases, 8 Bands. All killer, no filler! OUT TODAY and SHIPPING NOW! Each tape is professionally duplicated in an edition of 50 so get 'em while the gettin' is good!
All of these tapes are available on our Big Cartel page:
Listen to us talk about it on a short podcast episode and hear some short clips of the bands. Check out the write-ups below and click their links for further deep dives. A lot of these folks have been on our podcast too so please do check those out if you are so inclined!
Full description with links: