On this week’s show, we spoke with Louis-Felix Binette, Executive Director @ Main QC.
Louis-Félix Binette is putting collaboration to productive use. As a creative strategist, he designs collaborative experiences that allow leaders to engage multiple stakeholders in their projects. After over ten years in strategic positions in the civil service, he decided in 2012 to focus his energy on the design and management of collaboration. He has helped well over a hundred clients leverage collective intelligence to define their strategy and achieve their goals.
He also plays an active role in stimulating participation, mobilization and collaboration among his fellow citizens. He acts as Executive Director and is a founding member of MAIN, Québec’s first network of business accelerators and incubators. He helped create the Montreal chapters of CreativeMornings and Fvckup Nights movements. He also sits on several boards including those of l’Institut du Nouveau Monde, short-film distributor Travelling and chairs the foundation of the Centre des auteurs dramatiques. He is an active philanthropist, notably in academia (HEC Montréal), arts & culture (Théâtre d'aujourd'hui) and international development (Haïti).
On the show, we spoke about:
Founding of Main and its mission of improving the incubator & accelerator ecosystem How Mintzberg inspired Main’s strategy The Art of Gathering, by Priya Parker A key report: Survol de l'écosystème startup (2020) — Key Findings available in English — & Incursion dans l'écosystème startup des régions du Québec (2021), on MAIN's website Connect with Louis-Felix on LinkedIn. MAIN on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter
I was so happy Louis-Felix took the time to chat. It was a fantastic conversation!
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