LGCS chronically activates our nervous system into fighter flight and releases excess cortisol into our bodies. In this episode I share with you a BTS – behind the scenes – of our last collective membership call all around this silent killer- LGCS!
So, what is the big deal here. Our current way of living causes us to get too much of a good thing -aka cortisol- without enough time and relaxation, to the point that we get stuck in this cortisol inducing survival mode. The huge allostatic loads that we all bear day in and day out, cause high levels of cortisol which- wear on muscles and bones, slows healing time, impairs digestion, metabolism, cognitive function, and immunity. It disrupts your sleep, microbiome, and blood sugar- even caused food cravings. It blocks progesterone, which is your relaxing feel-good hormone and when your estrogen/progesterone levels are off your periods are off and you’re more likely to have painful periods. Thyroid, sex drive, fertility and more…. This is a must listen episode for sure!
Book I read from: W1inning by Tim Grover
Join us at the Miami Beach Permission Slip Retreat this June!
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