If I could grant all of you one magical skill in reaching your weight loss goals, it would be belief. Next in line would be the ability to trust yourself.
Learn how to harness belief and trust in your weight loss journey. Even when it feels like everything is going sideways. Because that is when it matters the most.
Listen to this episode to learn how.
Enter the Podcast Giveaway. Share this episode with #wsfpgiveaway or leave a review (email a screenshot to info@weightsolutionsforphysicians.ca) and you could win a custom Yeti Mug (Engraved with “Believe”) and a $100 Lululemon gift certificate. Giveaway ends March 20,2022.
If you are a physician who sometimes feels out of control around food and are ready to find peace with food and reach your goals, get your name on the invitation list for Stress Eating SOS at https://weightsolutionsforphysicians.ca/sos