Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Chapters 25.
Our reader, Elizabeth Klett continues to rock Jane Eyre for us!
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Knit Circus Little Acorn CreationsCrafty News:
Worldwide Quilting Day is March 16, 2013. It's "a day for people around the globe to celebrate the art of quilt making" and is built upon the success of National Quilting Day in the United States. Share on Twitter with hashtag #WWQuiltDay and visit the Worldwide Quilting Day Facebook Page for giveaways! Yogurt. Salad in a Jar—Yogurt and uses for whey (conditioner totally works!) How to make a Salad in a Jar. And yes, you can make a Gluten-free Sourdough starter! I use whatever other ancient grains type flours I have on hand for the bean flour. Bean flour makes me look like I'm sucking lemons--lousy taste in my book. The second volume of the What Would Madame Defarge Knit®? series. What (else) Would Madame Defarge Knit?, is very close to publication. There's a signup form to join the mailing list to receive news about interviews with designers, sneak peeks, and freebies below. You can also preview all the patterns on the website or at Ravelry. Please pre-order today!General Newsy Bits:
Emily Needs Stem Cells. Her cancer returned and a stem cell transplant could save her life. Please help. Please share the word. If you are eligible, please join the registry. Ethnic minorities are underrepresented in the databases, so please join. It's easy and free. Donors do not pay to donate marrow. All medical costs for the donation procedure are covered by the National Marrow Donor Program or by the patient's medical insurance. The shop is now able to offer downloads of the books -- audiobooks with benefits. If you are looking for a book from Craftlit that we did years ago, please hang in there. We're reprocessing for better audio and cutting some of the extra stuff so it's a nice streamlined download. As those are ready we'll add them to the shop. Canterville Ghost and Alice in Wonderland originally available free to premium subscribers are now available for purchase. Cool for Cats is also available for purchase. If you want to subscribe to support the show, you can read all about the new interface here and discover the simplicity of listening to CraftLit on-the-go on your iPhone/iTouch/Android for free. Now playing... The Great Gatsby! More options on the way for those of you without US credit cards, without a credit card at all, and for those of you who simply prefer to stay off the grid and use checks. More as soon as it's set up! Please feel free to join our Knit-a-Long for Jane's Ubiquitous Shawl. I'm done, but starting another (color me gluttonous).
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Book talk starts at about 13:33 minutes, click to listen.