“Imagine a steep and deadly cliff,” write Shayne Moore, Sandra Morgan, and Kimberly McOwen Yim.
“Today, most churches and nonprofit organizations working in anti-human-trafficking efforts are focused solely on the victims who have already fallen or been thrown off the cliff of modern slavery.”
Unfortunately, the authors continue, “we will never end human trafficking and modern slavery with this as our only strategy. Together, we must erect an impervious fence so that women, men, and children never fall off the cliff in the first place.”
In this episode of the Influence Podcast, I talk with Sandra Morgan about how the church can help do this. I’m George P. Wood, executive editor of Influence magazine and your host.
Sandra Morgan is director of the Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California. An ordained Assemblies of God minister, she serves as co-chair of the World Assemblies of God Commission on Sexual Exploitation, Slavery and Trafficking. She is co-author of Ending Human Trafficking, published by IVP Academic.
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