Established in 1998, Kuhnhenn remembers a simpler time for craft beer. But Kuhnhenn also remembers that there were big and flavorful beers done differently - to emphasize style while also honoring drinkability - in the early part of the 21st century. This lineup of five beers from the Detroit suburb-housed brewery gives us a lot of nostalgia while finding a way to keep up with some of the big flavors of today. Also, we explore the relationship between sandwich size and happiness, get our drippiest Gwar masks ready for TikTok, and get disturbed by innocuous words. Kuhnhenn remembers.
Beers Reviewed
Saucy Minx (Extra Special Bitter)
Kuhnieweizen (Hefeweizen)
Imperial Crème Brûlée Java Stout
DRIPA (Double Rice India Pale Ale)
Bourbon Barrel Fourth Dementia (Bourbon Barrel-aged Old Ale)