In this episode, Niki, Natalia, and Neil discuss the recent pickleball phenomenon.
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Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:
Pickleball is a booming recreation trend – and is inspiring controversy. Natalia referred to this leftist manifesto against pickleball and Christopher Lasch’s chapter in the Culture of Narcissism on the “degradation of sport.” She also talked about it on TikTok. Neil drew on this history of the pastime and this New Yorker article. We all referred to Bowling Alone, the 2000 book that prompted new conversations about civic participation. Natalia also referred to her recent Slate piece on inclusive recreation.
In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:
Natalia discussed the recent announcement that all parent-teacher conferences and Back-to-School nights would be virtual for the 2022-23 year in New York City public schools. Neil recommended the podcast Heaven Bent. Niki discussed her CNN column, “Kevin McCarthy’s ‘Commitment’ Shows How Broken-Down Trump’s GOP Has Become.”