Each of us is on a unique path toward becoming the kind of happy and fulfilled person we see for ourselves in the future. But, the question is whether or not our habits align with the person we desire to become.
Many people develop a habit that they have been led to believe is appropriate and acceptable. However, the reality is that their unhealthy habits, such as masturbation and watching porn, are what prevent them from connecting with the best version of themselves and with the people whom they truly love.
It is important to keep in mind that sex and pornography are two very different things. While sex has the ability to bring people closer together, pornography has the opposite effect, isolating people from both themselves and the rest of the world.
In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the concept of "I need to release.." humor, during which they offer a counter-narrative to the idea that is natural based on scientific research. They discuss its impact on leading a life of sexual integrity which means leading a life of intentionality.
Listen to Episode 148 to learn more!
The Spartan Program [2:50] The importance of understanding how our actions impact our psychology [3:37] Having integrity is important in our lives [12:20] Why is it so important to understand God and our relationship with Him? [13:59] Pornography and absolute sex are opposite [14:50] The real reason behind sex drive [16:12] The purpose of sexuality [17:34] The Blessed Couple Podcast [19:39] What does absolute sex means? [20:06] The Pavlov’s Dog analogy [23:44] The biggest contributor to escapism in men [28:59]