I am so excited to share this encouraging (and perhaps a bit convicting – in the best sort of way) – conversation with you! Abbie Halberstadt believes that Christ has so much more to offer you and your family than the empty validation of fist bumps for
surviving another day that worldly culture bring to the table. Her book, M is for Mama, resonated with me deeply, and I am so glad I get to share her with all of you!
Raising and homeschooling her ten kids (including two sets of identical twins—and that’s a story of its own!) Abbie has hard-earned wisdom to share, as well as humor and grace. This was one of my favorite interviews ever!
Find show notes and links to all we talk about:
Podcast page (for all episodes) www.monicaswanson.com/podcast
Don’t miss my new Raising Amazing Preorder bonus!! Be sure to visit my new book page: monicaswanson.com/raisingamazing to get access to Korie Robertson’s Foreward and my first two chapters!! Be sure to pre-order Raising Amazing for it to arrive at your doorstep on it’s release day, February 21st, and get immediate access to my PRE-ORDER BONUS: 4 Interviews featuring my 4 sons! In the interviews, my boys
respond to questions sent in by podcast listeners and social media followers related to their faith, sibling relationships, what they like about their parents (!), birth order, and so much more. These will be great for your kids to tune into with you!