In today's episode, Ann Dunagan introduces two new mentoring tools, for personal and group discipleship and mobilization with Mission-Minded Women:
First is My Mission-Minded Happy Planner, a fun whimsically illustrated life-planning guide and prayer journal, designed to help Christian women and teenage girls to live every day for the glory of God, in every area of ife, spirit, soul, and body. The Happy Planner is available in either a 40-Day or 90-Day version, and in both softcover and hardcover editions (on Amazon). Secondly, The Mission-Minded HappyApp (or simply "HappyApp") is a life-planning tool for personal growth, designed to coordinate with the Happy Planner. The HappyApp includes daily encouragement, personal development training (for every area of our life), goal-setting tools and tracking, and a community feature.You can get My Mission-Minded Happy Planner on Amazon for as little as $4.99 (for the 40-Day softcover version -- our heart for this version is for small groups or mentoring), up to $14.99 for the 90-Day hardcover version. It is also available in many other countries, including Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and various countries in South America. Currently, we are working to translate the Happy Planner into seven other languages, coming, Lord willing, next year.