Believe it or not, there was a time when breweries would release barleywines that were not aged in any sort of barrel, and the biggest choice you had to make was American-style or English-style. For this episode, we have four local takes on the barleywine, two of each style, none with any barrel or adjunct - and the sips are sending us back in time. Also, we test the impact of age on one barleywine, we wonder if any of these would actually be improved with barrels, and we dare Revolution to bring back the old Institutionalized. Plus, Ryan gets an early glimpse of summer, Craig reveals the amazing choice for the first mp3 he ever downloaded, and one beer actually gets docked for being “too drinkable.
Beers Reviewed
More Brewing Company - Liquid Legacy (American Barleywine)
Miskatonic Brewing Company/Flipside Brewing/Seldom Beer Co. - Pigloo (Barleywine)
Off Color Brewing - Aqua Regia (English Barleywine)
Werk Force Brewing Company - Mabel (English Barleywine)