This week [in honor of the digital re-release of POWER!] Smitty joins Joe D. to discuss all things power development. Highlights from their conversation include: The making of "POWER!" (Behind-the-scenes insight); Programming Heavy Ass Sled Drags; General vs Specific Contrast Training pairings; Benefits of "combo" exercises; Why EVERYONE needs to train for power; How strong do you need to be before incorporating plyos and/or dynamic-effort into your training; Can you gain speed/power after the age of 40; How to safely program (and progress) power exercises; How/Why most people injure themselves when training for power; How often should you train for power (after the age of 40); Sneak peek into Phase 3 of WS4SB 3.5; How to properly execute Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (What everyone does wrong!)...And Much MORE! *For a full list of Show Notes w/ Timestamps goto IMPORTANT LINKS POWER! [Digital re-release] Team Forever Strong [FREE TRIAL] CPPS certification Smitty's Instagram